Push me Brutha! We're off to school! |
Wow, summer is speeding by here like a 7-year-old chasing his little sister around a dead lawn.
And that is fast, readers!! We don't have a dog, but the dog days of summer are certainly upon us now, with August in full swing.
August used to only mean dog days, hot weather, water fights, and stay-cations in the LIAYF household. But in the past couple of years August has taken on a whole new, not so fun meaning. Back to school shopping. You can tell how I feel about shopping, can't you?
In fact, a mall or department store is the last place I, or Mrs. LIAYF for that matter, want to be spending our time during the summer stretch run that is August.
Kohl's. Sure Kohl's has a brick and mortar store near you, but what you may not know is that Kohl's also has an
awesome back-to-school online site where you can do all your back to school shopping from the comfort of your back deck while the kids are in bed and the sun is finally setting on a sun drenched summer day.
And that is exactly what we (and by 'we', I mostly mean Mrs. LIAYF) did recently as we used some timely deals from Kohls, who is teaming up with
Office Max, to net a great haul for back to school. Through their collaboration with Office Max, Kohl's is now offering all the supplies you will need from folders to notebooks and pens to pencil cases.
(Note to readers - stop by next week and I will be giving away a Kohl's gift card perfect for your back-to-school shopping).
Lukas' school uses uniforms, so we were happy to find that Kohl's has a
school uniform shop. We choose several practical uniform pieces, but also selected a few fun items that he could wear on weekends and after school. We didn't want to leave out Annabelle, so we got her some cute clothes for "back to daycare" (well, she never really left, but now she looks stylin'). And, because every family with kids is cash-strapped, we went for clothing that could mix and match with items we already owned. For example, Lukas already has several pairs of Converse high-tops, so we didn't purchase any extras, but Kohl's has an
awesome selection of Converse if you want to check it out.
Here are just a few of the looks we were able to winnow from the vast online selection:
Finally, back on the topic of school supplies, we also got these amazing
water bottles we used last year in his lunch box. We love their size, packability (is that a word?), and that they held up to heavy, heavy abuse. Lukas also likes their bright graphics.
Juuuust right for lunchboxes! |
As for the rest of the supplies, Lukas' school supply list has not been provided yet. So, we are putting in an order this weekend for all his school supplies, using the
Kohl's cash we earned online with our back-to-school purchases. In addition to the water bottles, we anticipate we would likely be ordering one of the
basic school packs offered by Kohl's, which includes pencils, paper, glue, markers, scissors, etc. And, of course, the ubiquitous box of Kleenex (why does every teacher ask for these - oh, that's right, 7 year-old-boys and runny noses).
Disclaimer: The fine people at Kohl's provided me with compensation in order to purchase these fine products and to write here about all the great stuff we received. It's worth noting though, that our experience was terrific throughout.