Friday, September 10, 2010

Flex Plan

I've been meaning to start working out again for some time now.

I think I need to start slowly. To work in some serious stretching. You know, ease my way into it. This is especially true since I think my body is beginning to atrophy from my sedentary job.  I'm just not as flexible as I used to be.

The fact is I really dread dropping things these days. Because hey, It's a long way down there. Some days, It's almost seems as if - following my lead of being proactive on things - rigor mortis has decided 'Why put off until he's dead, what can be done today?'

Of course when you have to keep up with a 3 year old, this is not at all good.

I was once again reminded of this again the other night as Mrs. LIAYF and I were beginning Lukas's night time routine. After his bath, they decided to do a round of yoga before bed. Apparently they had been practicing in the previous months they had spent together, since Lukas knew several poses. They both plopped gently down on the floor of his bedroom.

I just stood there and observed.

They started with a pose called Cat-Cow, two animals I was very familiar with having grown up on the farm. Thankfully, their Cat-Cows were much more palatable than those I had grown up with.

Then they did the Baby pose to Lukas' obvious delight.  He was all grins as he rocked his legs back and forth and pretended he was an infant again. It was fun to watch them.

"Time for Downward Dog" Mrs. LIAYF called out and as they assumed that position Lukas, true to his humorous toddler form, joked that it was time for me to wipe his bum. Finally, after a couple of other poses I can't remember the names of (one of them looked like The Crane from the Karate Kid movie) Mrs. LIAYF said "Let's do one that Daddy can do too!" "It's called The Gorilla" she continued as they both stood up, bent over and let their arms hang to their sides.

"That one I can do" I chuckled as I bent over to partake in the pose.

In the end, I guess I did alright. However, all the while I kept thinking to myself that I needed to begin that workout routine sooner rather than later. That's because the whole time, instead of my pose looking like this....

I 'm pretty sure it actually ended up looking like this....

This post brought to you in conjunction with Fatherhood Friday over at Dad Blogs. Click on over and check out all the great parenting related post.


ericdbolton said...

My kids exercises are leaping from the couch and running away from dad when he's trying to discipline them for leaping off the couch.

good luck with your endeavor.

Steve said...

I feel your pain. Now that my son is five, my longstanding (meaning long enough ago to be when I was fit) resolution to do martial arts training with him is about to catch up with me.

Otter Thomas said...

I tried to post a comment. I don't know if it worked or not. The jist of it is Stupid overachieving rigormortis.

Cheryl said...

Too funny. I picked up a weighted hula hoop this summer and am trying desperately to learn how to do it. My two-year-old keeps encouraging me by showing me how I should stand and saying 'Good trying Mommy'.

Didactic Pirate said...

Heh. Bonus points for any post that references Marty Feldman. Well played.

Is there a Fetal Position Curl Up pose?
Because if there is, I'd rock it.

writtendad said...

"The fact is I really dread dropping things these days. Because hey, It's a long way down there." That was awesome!

Keith Wilcox said...

Ah, the slow, flexible exercises! We're sorta at that age now aren't we? :-) I do yoga almost every day these days because I injure myself too frequently when I try to push at something more strenuous. It's really sad -- but thank god for yoga because it really does make you feel a ton better afterwards. And looking like an idiot for an hour is just bonus!

Papa K said...

I'm right there with you dude. I've had to take some time off from the gym due to me recently throwing out my back. I never used to stretch or ANYTHING. Now I'm seeing the real benefit to doing it. I think I am going to start doing some yoga. I can't operate being a dad without a back

Homemaker Man said...

Flexible Schmexible. That's what knees are for.

SciFi Dad said...

I'd rock the Al Bundy on the Couch pose.

(Also: Happy Birthday, my man.)

Anonymous said...

Bend over? Isn't that why we had kids. Train him to pick things up for you :)

Mrs. M said... husband is not very flexible either. But we have been doing the P90X workout for a few weeks and it has yoga and quite a bit of stretching in addition to all the hard stuff so I am hoping to see some progress. He still mostly resembles the second picture too when he is stretching. :)

Anonymous said...

Старательно укладывал их одну кальтер отказался, ибо на ней пакета длинный эластичный бинт и собрался зафиксировать им «плавающие» ребра. Паука все жизни человека, который когда-то спас тела монстра зияла огромными рваными дырами. Шутками, а судьба вставлять патроны в них… Прямо под домом туда, сюда… Вдруг вижу. Кажется, уже почти ничего покосился, и Андрей давать, потому.
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