To start out with, you will need an approximately 35lb weight, and it has to be at least 3ft long. Got it? Good. Now, what you will need to do is to stretch out your arms directly in front of you and lay that weight directly perpendicular across the top of both arms. Easy enough, right?
Now, keeping your arms stretched straight out as long as you can with the weight still laying over them I want you to start running around in circles. These don't have to be perfect circles, mind you. In fact it would be better if they were fairly random, but be sure to lean heavily into each turn.
Next, once you have done a couple of these circles, I want you to begin to lift your arms up and down while running around. Depending on your level of fitness, by this time you may begin to feel a bit of a burn. Nevertheless, you must keep running around in random circles while lifting your arms up and down, varying your speed.
Do this exercise for as long as you can. Once completed, that is considered one set. On the second set you may want to incorporate an additional level of difficulty into this exercise. I suggest finding a fairly open area, say a pre-school playground, and preforming the exercises there.
By choosing such a location, you may be able to incorporate any kids who may be playing there into your routine. As you are lifting your weighted arms up and down, simply swoop them at the surrounding youngsters, being careful to come close but being sure to avoid direct contact.
You may find, as I did, that these children will consider it a game to try to catch the weight that is on your arms thus giving you added incentive to be fairly elusive. If this happens you must be careful however, as more and more children may decide to participate eventually leading to a diminished area to preform your circles.
Just see how long you can keep this up for maximum effectiveness.
So, there you have it. A fun new aerobic, upper body workout for dads. Just be careful not to overdo it. Not unlike Gulliver, you may end up out of breath, surrounded by a slightly crazed crowd of little people.