Since it's August, and this is the beautiful Pacific Northwest, we are staying local and enjoying the gorgeous weather Mother Nature bequeaths to us each Summer. We will spend a few days north of Seattle "Camping" (quote marks used to signify that we are staying in a small cabin - with a bathroom), but other than that we will use the time to enjoy our fair city.
That means my posts here will be pretty sporadic for the next couple of weeks. In other words, don't expect to notice much change.
Though I haven't made much fanfare of it, after a fairly long hiatus from working out - to have a child and raise him to the age of 4 - I am back in the saddle, so to speak. I have been getting up before the birds for the last month or so, with varying degrees of success, to re-introduce myself to my old friend the treadmill. Now I am not going to say that I have seen any dramatic results from these efforts, but I do feel like cardiovascularly at least my health is improving.
Along with working out in the mornings, with Mrs. LIAYF and Lukas (who long ago mastered his two wheeler without training wheels) I have been riding my bike a lot more this summer. This has been a lot of fun, and actually inspired what I decided to attempt today. Or, I should alternatively say complete.
This picture should give you a clue to what I am talking about:
That would be my bicycle parked in my office. Yes, I biked to work Friday. True, It was only about 15 miles round trip, but for those of you not from Seattle there are a lot of fairly significant hills here to navigate so for me this was a pretty big deal.
In fact, by the time I finished this is what my legs felt like:
Not that I didn't expect as much, but I'm pretty sure I will be sore for a few days afterwords. Wish me luck with that.
Anyway, I have been really needing to get into better shape recently, especially with Lukas each and every day becoming more active and hard to keep up with. I want to be able to be active with him as he grows, and keeping myself in shape is a necessity so this has been a big step in the right direction for me.
How about you readers? As a parent do you find it hard to get your workouts in? Did it become easier as your children got older?