Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Wordless Wednesday: Today's Lesson


Scary Mommy said...

Such a sweet picture!! I never manage to get my rocks to hop-- can you teach me too?

Heidi said...

I never have learned how to skip a rock. Very nice that he has a dad willing to take a minute and teach him this important life lesson.
Very sweet.
If you'd like to stop by my blog I'm at Cake Crumbs.

If I Could Escape . . . said...

Awww, that's a beautiful photo! The most I can skip rocks is 4 times!

Snowcatcher said...

Great shot! Leaves you feeling like a child again!

SciFi Dad said...

Very nice image.

It's kind of your wife to provide you with blog content on the days you're too lazy to type a few words. ;)

Anonymous said...

That looks like so much fun. I wished we lived closer to an ocean.

Lady Mama said...

Lovely! One of my favourite pastimes.

Steve said...

Now THAT's a cool way to spend some time. Great pic too.

Mrs. M said...

Love the pic - we are working on our rock skipping skills too!

Captain Dumbass said...

Skipping rocks? That's an important one.

PS. Go with season one of Fringe.

Anonymous said...

I could never do that - still can't!

A Free Man said...

Throwing rocks is one of those things that a toddler boy can do for hours. Great shot!

Knatolee said...

Aw, that's a beautiful photo! I remember my Dad teaching me to skip stones. :) But we did it on Lake Ontario.

James (SeattleDad) said...

@All - Thanks for all the terrific comments. This was a fun day at Alki Beach in Seattle. And yes, I was teaching Lukas how to skip stones.