Saturday, May 3, 2008

Alma Matters!

Something I consider extraordinary happened last weekend. Two Student Athletes, women's softball players to be more precise, from my Alma mater Central Washington University, committed an act so selfless and inspiring, that it almost (I would never admit it if it actually did) brought a tear to my eye. I have been meaning to blog about this for a few days now but am only now finding the time.

I am not sure how much national press this story received because I am off that particular radar, so some of you who read this may have heard all about it and already consider it old news. Even if you are familiar with this story, it is worth another read. And if you have not, please take the time to do so, and soak in what I feel is all too unfamiliar in most media coverage. Happy and inspiring stories.
I want Lukas to grow up with the kind of character that these young women displayed, and if he were in the same type of situation and didn't have to think twice about the choice he would make, then I would consider every late night, dirty diaper change, and learning moment to be time and energy well invested._

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