Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Finishing That?

Along with the joys of parenthood come several add-ons. These are things that were completely unexpected when originally contemplating my joyful and fun-filled days of impending fatherhood. For instance, I had no clue - not a one - that I would get to strip my kid naked each night and let him run wild through the house as we prepared him for his nightly bath. Turns out, it is a lot of fun. Who would have guessed that?

(Not real interested)

I also had a fuzzy brain about the whole extent I would go to keep the house relatively chaos free in the wake of a mobile and curious child who must explore the full extent of his books and toys until they are disbursed in several healthy piles scattered about our home each day. I have discovered that I need a semblance of order, and will spend ample time following behind and picking up after Lukas. I'm sure I will eventually succumb to reality and just allow the chaos take complete control. But for now I still pick things up.

Certainly one thing that I never envisioned before having a child, was the lengths I would allow myself to go in taking a bite here or there off my child's dinner plate. After work I come home and start dinner, but all the time my hunger is building. Lukas, however, has eaten a late snack, nursed when he came home, and often is not all that interested in his dinner.

You know, It all started so innocently. Lukas doesn't touch his spaghetti . . . so while clearing the table I finish it off. I wouldn't want to waste it, there are starving people around every corner. Not eating that chicken buddy? Daddy will test it for you. But what begins to happen is much less appetizing. Lukas has only slightly pawed at his food. What the hey, it's still good. Lukas chewed up that meatball but spit it out on the other half of the plate, but this half is still good.

I don't see this heading in a good direction. What's next? When Lukas is hungry and likely to finish his meal will I get desperate and resort to diversionary tactics to sneak a bite of his fingered fare? "Lukas, is that Elmo over there?"

Help me readers! What can I do? I don't want to end up digging my hands into my son's plate at a fancy restaurant when he is, say 1o or 12 years old.

This is not looking good at all.


Anonymous said...

...and before you had a child, it used to be you guys running around the house naked before your bath.

It all comes full circle.

SciFi Dad said...

thankfully, my daughter has to come into contact with her food at least eleventy billion times before it actually passes her lips, meaning that it is a) totally disgusting and b) bears no resemblance to actual food, making it easier to resist the temptation

Scary Mommy said...

I'm totally with you on the naked play before bath. And as far as eating their leftovers? Hopefully they'll just start finishing what's on their plates? I dunno, but I'm the same way. And despite telling myself that those bits don't have calories, I'm finding that in fact they do. Half chewed and all.

Eric said...

dude, I'm not one to ask yet..
but what is that white stuff in the middle of his plate???

Petra a.k.a The Wise (*Young*) Mommy said...

ah yes, the nude jaunting around the house, I know it well. were talking about your kid? oops, sorry...

James (SeattleDad) said...

@MTAE - Yes, it certainly does. This is almost as fun.

@Scifi - Maybe that will be the point where I draw the line. lol!

@Scary Mommy - Every little bit seems to add up. I have to get out of the mind set not to want to waste food.

@Eric - That is cottage cheese. Lukas normally loves it. Not so interested last night.

@Petra - Sounds like you have an interesting household.

Ed said...

If you figure out how to stop let me know. I finish off FIVE plates every night. I've gotten to where I don't even prepare a plate for myself anymore.

Anonymous said...

DUDE, I ate of my kids' plates as well. That's why I have to get off my butt and actually exercise now.

I've been really bad about not picking up messes the past few weeks due to illnesses. I think we're going to need professional help soon. :(

Martin said...

My sister doesn't cook for herself anymore, she just eats the kids leftovers.

one step away from putting them in a bowl on the patio floor.

James (SeattleDad) said...

@Ed - Wow, finishing 5 plates! I couldn't even imagine. . .what kind of great pickings you must get. Su-weet!

@Super Mega Dad - Yeah, I am just getting started on this and I have to work out too. I am just having trouble bringing myself to do it.

@Xbox - Yes, the standards keep getting looser and looser. I don't want to end up with the bowl on the floor.

FilmFather said...

I hear you on picking at your kid's food. I'll do it on nights where he's obviously done and I'm still hungry after my meal (like you, I cook dinner after getting home from work). Although lately, if he sees me do it, he tells me to "put dat back!" Kinda hard to do if I've already chewed up or swallowed the morsel in question...

I too have "Children Gone Wild" -- that is, they run around naked before bathtime and scream at whoever will notice them. Not sure when that or my plate-picking will end...for now, I guess I'll just enjoy the ride.

Captain Dumbass said...

Waste not, want not. Sometimes there food is better than yours.

Anonymous said...

Cooper hoovers his food about half the time, so there aren't any leftovers. When he doesn't eat everything, I'm just a little too much of a germ freak to dig into the leftovers. Sure, I share DNA with him, but we keep our bacteria to ourselves :-)

He'll be fighting you for that food when he's 10 or 12, so I doubt you'll have to worry about depriving him at that point!

James (SeattleDad) said...

@Film Father - Lukas is all about sharing right now, so he doesn't mind. I will have to be aware that he may start getting miffed at me for stealing his food.

@Captain DA - Especially when yours is all gone.

@Rob - Yeah, and I don't think we will really be going to any fancy restaurants either. lol.

Anonymous said...

the g-kid has always liked to do his naked running after his bath. it's just as cute, maybe more so since he's all clean and nice smelling.

as far as the food goes, i'm pretty sure that's part of the dad's job description. we always called my step-dad the garbage disposal. he would finish anybody's plate off at home AND in the restaurants and always with a big grin on his face.

James (SeattleDad) said...

@Nonna - Yeah, I am beginning to act like a garbage disposal all right. Thanks for the comments.