Short and funny. Were you trying to tell me something there? Is this like matching a pet to a potential owner, where the best fit might posses similar traits? If you must know, I am 5'10'' tall. That is average height people. Spell it with me: A-V-E-R-A-G-E. Not short. I am choosing to ignore the fact that most of the dads in the 2 year old circuit I now run in are taller than me. Passing it off as mere coincidence.
So, if matching the chosen book to how you perceive me was what you were thinking, thanks for the funny part. I appreciate that.
Where was I? Right, the winner was The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.

I started it today, and have already LMAO a couple of times (sorry, I have been reading a lot of comments lately). It has to do with the demolition of our planet to build a inter-galactic freeway. Oh yeah, I think I am going to enjoy this one a lot. Great choice.
Stay tuned. I may even do this again in a year or two to chose my next book.
Still waiting for that book club.
And I'm 6'1". Just so you know.
I have no recollection of ever calling you funny.
@Dan - Start Hictchhiker's now and we will meet in a couple months to discuss Chapter 1.
@Scifi - You win some. Others, not so much. I would have to go back to look, but you must haved voted for something tragic, no?
I have picked up The Art of Racing in the Rain.
Hmm, now I'm thinking I should maybe read it too since it's been sitting on my bookshelf for five years - but that would mean not blogging for a few nights. Not sure I can handle it. But I could do with LMAO...
I have seen this book so many times over the years but have not read it. BUT, I do have Art of Racing in the Rain on my nightstand now. Just got a Kindle so feel odd to say goodbye to the paper versions. Keep us posted on your thoughts on the book.
Adams wrote a couple of books called Dirk Gentley's Detective... something or other. They were pretty funny too.
Oh, and I'm 6'2.
When you are done, read Douglas Adams' book Last Chance to See. Entirely different vein, but a wonderful book.
I tried to get my hubby to join a local men's book club and he ran screaming from the room (figuratively, not literally) even though the book club was advertising coffee and DESSERT! Now he's listening to book classics on CD during his daily commute.
@DC - Right, let me know how it is.
@Lady Mama - Blogging or book. I usually choose blog, that is why I take so long to finish a book.
@Jenny - You have intrigued me with the Kindle.
@Captain - Maybe it's not coincidence...
@Knatolee - I used to listen to a lot of books on tape. Good format if you have the time. I don't anymore.
Oh. Heh. I see that you did read it. Maybe if I keep reading your posts backwards I will find a review. ;)
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