Wednesday, December 30, 2009

The Year in Review

I'm fairly certain that I had an original idea for a post today. However, like a fleeting dream it was there...but then it was gone.

So, in it's place you get the LIAYF 2009 Year in Review. Not exactly original, but I hope you enjoy the month by month look back at what I consider my most memorable posts. Enjoy and let me know what you think.

January: At just over 1 1/2 years of age, Mrs. LIAYF and I somehow thought it would be a good idea to introduce a little 'culture' to Lukas' life by taking him to the symphony. This met with predictable results.

February: As Valentines day approaches Lukas learns firsthand that despite cupids arrow, long distance relationships are cause for singing the blues.

March: The waning months of Winter find me waxing nostalgic about a time when spontaneity was a realistic concept and also appreciating the true finer things in life.

April: I give convincing photographic evidence to Mrs. LIAYF that her dream of Lukas being a cute 'moppy-headed' boy is unrealistic.

May: I announce my arrival on the scene of the hottest social media phenomenon, and give insight on just how I became @Seattledad.

June: The post where a single picture defines what happiness means!!

July: I expose a frightening threat to little guys everywhere, and consider shopping for a new Bro!

August: We take time out of our busy summer to visit the Zoo. It is our first visit where Lukas can actually understand and look forward to seeing his favorite animals. Like the Polar Bear! (which, unfortunately doesn't reside at our local zoo)

September: Who knew Elmo could be so darn scary! Not me.

October: October was the month that our family had an F-ing problem, and I was a bother to Lukas.

November: After 42 years, I finally get my first Tattoo. And it is fierce.

December: How your kids see you does not always coincide with how you picture yourself.


SciFi Dad said...

Happy New Year, good sir.

Lady Mama said...

I'm impressed you took your son to the symphony when he was 18 months. Brave. I love classical music, just don't listen to it often any more. Happy New Year to you and your family!

Slamdunk said...

Fun stuff. In your March post I can relate to the lack of time to watch movies (first-run or at all--it is just a void for me this decade). If I ever make it to Jeopardy the gameshow, I know there will be a category on movies and film for me to just stare speechlessly and wait for the topic to go away.

Captain Dumbass said...

All in all, a pretty good year.

OM said...

Happy New Year to the family. Is it cool that I know this Elmo episode? Or is it a little sad because I used to be edgy?

Anonymous said...

It is extremely interesting for me to read that blog. Thank you for it. I like such themes and anything that is connected to this matter. I would like to read more soon.

Playstead said...

Great list, have a great 2010.

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!

Mrs. M said...

Love the way you summarized your year! And I can't believed you tried to go to the symphony! You are soooooooo brave just to try!

Steve @ MyBoys3 said...

Great idea for a post - will have to try it. So cool that you've been blogging for a while that you can span the year. After 4 months I feel like I'm hitting the wall!